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Statutory Information

Statutory Information

As Governors, we are required to advise the following:

Business Interests

On 3rd October 2024, all governors were asked to declare any business interests for either themselves or their family members.  A copy of the signed declaration is retained by the Clerk to Governors.  Nicola Davies, has a potential conflict of interest as a close family member runs a painting and decorating business and a member of the SLA board. Sarah and Ian Bailey are married

In addition, Governors confirmed that they are not related to, or are in a relationship with, any members of staff.

This information is to highlight any conflict of interest.  If there were a conflict of interest at any point, the governor in question would remove themselves from the discussion.  Governors will be requested at every meeting to declare any interests and these will be minuted accordingly.

Governor Positions Held

On 3rd October 2024, all governors confirmed they will adhere to the Code of Conduct and confirmed any additional governor positions held in any form of education. All other governors at Winnersh Primary School only serve on one education governing body.  A copy of the signed declaration is retained by the Clerk to Governors.

Collating this information is a part of the Government’s Prevent Strategy.  Governors will be requested at every meeting to declare any changes to this information and should Governors sit on more than one Governing Body this information shall be relayed to Wokingham Borough Council.

Attendance at Meetings

The FGB held six meetings during the academic year 2023-2024. Over the course of the year three governors attended five out of six meetings, two attended three of six meetings, one attended four of the six meetings. All others attended 100% of meetings.

For Committees, one governor attended thee of the six Resources meetings, one attended one of the six and the others attended 100%.

For the Teaching and Learning Committee, three governors attended five meetings of the six, with other governors attending them all. For the Staffing meetings, two governor attended three of the six meetings, one attended four out of the six with the other governors attending them all.

All absences were recorded and any apologies given were accepted by the Full Governing Body or relevant committee and minuted. A full copy of meeting attendance is retained by the Clerk to Governors.

Attendance at meetings will be recorded for the academic year 2024-25 and posted in September 2025.

Governors Equalities Statement for September 2024 to September 2025

Governors of Winnersh Primary School will endeavour to monitor the attendance of all pupils linking to our Equalities Statement. Winnersh Primary School is committed to a whole school approach to attendance and punctuality. We place a high priority on attendance at school whilst remaining empathetic to individual family circumstances. We encourage parents to ensure that their child/children achieve the maximum possible attendance and that any difficulties that prevent this are identified and acted upon promptly.

Please look at the school website for both the Equalities Policy and previous equality statements and their impact.

Governors Safeguarding Statement

The Governors of Winnersh Primary School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.  We ensure that the school has a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding Policy, which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website. Additionally, we have a designated Safeguarding Governor.

Sometimes the school needs to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. Governors support that the school will ensure concerns about the pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers unless they have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.

We actively support the Government's Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Governors Behaviour Statement

This forms part of the Positive Behaviour Policy and is updated and reviewed alongside that policy.