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Once a new technology rolls over you, if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road.  (Stewart Brand)

Technology has always been with us, but it has perhaps changed lives more during the past two generations than at any other time in history. Today’s children will need the tools to navigate life in a world quite unlike the one adults know today. Some children at Winnersh Primary today may see in the 22nd Century; how can their learning now help them in the future?  

At Winnersh Primary School, we aim to ensure our children are always on top of new technologies. Computing is taught throughout the Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two. We use the Purple Mash interface to ensure that all our teaching and learning is safe, accessible and appropriate for all children. By the time they leave us, the children will have experienced a wide range of software packages and used their skills to support their learning across the curriculum. They will be aware of the importance of safety and respect in an increasingly online world and ready for the challenges of secondary school. Our emphasis is as much about skills as content, and we encourage children to show you what they can do by providing access to Purple Mash at home too. We also have a thriving Coding Club!

Here are some examples of how our children are mastering the Computing curriculum at Winnersh.

Year 1
Year 5