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What We Do

Brief Summary of Committee Purposes

Resources Committee

The purpose of the Resources Committee is to be the prime mechanism through which the Board of Governors challenges and monitors the school’s strategic direction, decisions, policies and practice in relation to Finance, HR, Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety and the School Site & Buildings, ensuring the school operates in full compliance with all statutory requirements, provisions of the articles of Government, the requirements of and obligations to funding councils and all other relevant bodies, as well as overall organisational goals and good practice.

Teaching, Learning & Assessment

The purpose of the Teaching, Learning & Assessment Committee is to be the prime mechanism through which the Board of Governors challenges and monitors the school’s strategic direction, decisions, policies and practice in relation to the delivery of the curriculum, the standard of teaching and learning and the achievement of each individual pupil, ensuring the school operates in full compliance with all statutory requirements, provisions of the articles of Government, the requirements of and obligations to funding councils and all other relevant bodies, as well as overall organisational goals and good practice.

Staffing Committee

The purpose of the Staffing Committee is to ensure that all staff are appraised and receive objectives, then approve pay increments for teaching staff, including the headteacher, above and beyond the cost of living rise, liaising with the Resources Committee to confirm budget arrangements. It also reviews any confidential business that relates to individual members of staff.

How governors are appointed

Co-opted governors are formally appointed by the Full Governing Body, Local Authority governors by Wokingham Borough Council and Parent and Staff governors are elected.  The Head Teacher can choose whether to join the FGB and has chosen to do so in our case.  In the case of Local Authority governors, their term starts from the date we receive confirmation from Wokingham Borough Council, and in the case of elected governors, their terms start from the date of the election.  In all cases, appointments are recorded in the minutes of the next meeting of the FGB and all terms are for a period of four years unless otherwise stated.  Associate governors do not have voting rights.